請問我應該如何向我的孩子們介紹上帝呢? question: 我是一位信仰基督教的媽媽,但是,我的家人都不是基督徒。 請問我應該如何向我的孩子們介紹上帝呢? Answer: 我的建議是,請你盡力給予孩子們「愛」。 如果孩子們接收到「愛」,就會懂得「愛」是什麼,然後,他們才會瞭解「上帝是愛」。 請告訴你的孩子,有一個人深愛著他們,這個人愛他們的程度,甚至超越你,也超越任何人。 這個人將會永遠陪伴著他們,所以,他們永遠不會感到害怕和孤單。 告訴他們,無論他們是乖孩子或壞孩子,「這個人」將會永遠愛他們,而且,「這個人」絕對不會拋棄他們。 如果他們問你:「為什麼『這個人』會愛我們呢」? 請留意,當孩子這樣問的時候,就代表他們尚未真正從你或你先生身上體驗到愛, 他們並不瞭解什麼是「無條件的愛」…這是非常重要的,請務必先留意這一 點, 而不要預設「自己已經是一個真正的基督徒」。 如果他們問你:「『這個人』有家人嗎?」 你可以回答他說:「當然有!他們家有三個人。 事實上,『這個人』要他的『兒子』在你身邊陪伴著你, 他的名字叫做耶穌。」 然後,孩子們可能會問:「那 你可不可以告訴我們『耶穌在哪裡』?」 你可以這樣回答他:「『耶穌』非常害羞,他不想要麻煩你們,所以,他躲起來了, 他要跟你們玩捉迷藏,就好像你們跟其他小朋友玩捉迷藏的時候那樣。 但是,如果你們去教會,『那個人』也在教會喔! 『他』好愛好愛你們,他把自己變得小小的,就像是一塊小小的、甜甜的麵包, 『他』好想要跟你們在一起!『他』 除了想要親親你們之外,還想要進到你們的體內。 這就是為什麼我們要去教會,在教會,我們就可以給『他』一個親親。」 (教會並不是一個 「理論」或一個「信仰」。 教會是要讓我們在聖禮儀當中,領受耶穌的身體,讓耶穌進入我們體內,和我們合一。 如果我們讓孩子們領聖餐,耶穌將會親自教導孩子們。 孩子是純潔的,他們絕對可以瞭解耶穌說的話。) 也請你教導孩子,只要是他們所愛的一切事物和所有喜愛的玩伴,也會成為這個「他」(也就是耶穌)的最愛。 他們眼睛所見的一切事物,都是耶穌深愛的。 請和孩子們一起祈禱,教導他們如何祈禱,當然, 前提是你自己必須先知道如何祈禱。 教導孩子們如何向上帝說感恩,如何感謝上帝的愛。 請教導他們去說:「謝謝你愛我,爸爸、媽媽、好朋友們!我也愛你們。」 這一切都會幫助孩子,讓他們學會去祝福每個人,希望每個人都善良又快樂。 讓他們自己與上帝對談,他們絕對比我們任何人都更容易與上帝對談,他們與上帝的交流也會比我們任何人都好。 如果他們說:「我現在很難過,我受傷了。」 那麼,請?教導他們,耶穌與他們一同受苦,而且,耶穌為他們承受了更大的苦。 還有,請告訴他們,這個世界上還有很多小朋友也遭受了很大的苦難,所以,他們應該為這些受苦的小朋友祈禱。 身為一位父親或母親的你,在孩子的心田中印上自己的戳記,或許,這個戳記會跟隨著孩子一輩子。 所以,請你務必以嚴肅的態度來面對這個議題,教會並不是我們的義務,而是我們真實生命的一部分。 如果你還有更多的建議,歡迎你給我們一些回覆,我們很樂意將你寶貴的意見放在我們的網站上。 Answer: Try to give them love. If they receive love they will understand what is this thing and latter they can understand god as love. Tell them that there is somebody who loves them very much, more than you or anybody else. Somebody who is always with them, so they should never feel the fear to be alone. Tell them that this ‘somebody’ loves them always, no matter if they are good or bad kids, and will never abandon them. If they ask them, why He loves us, be careful,, this shows that the kinds do not really experience love from you or your husband, they do not really know the unconditional love.... so, try first to know this and do not think that you are real Christian. If they ask you does “HE” has a family , you will say, of course has a family there are 3, and actually , “HE” sent his Son to be with you, and his name is Jesus. Then they will ask you where is ‘he’? Show him to us. You may say, ‘he’ is very shy, he does not want to give them trouble, he like to play with them hiding , as they play with other kids. But if they go to church , ‘He’ is there, and he likes them so much that he becomes so small, like a small peace of sweet bread and he wants to be one with them, not only to kiss them, but to enter to them. And this is why we go to church. To kiss him . (The church is not a theory, a faith. Is to receive the body of Jesus inside you in the liturgy, to be one with others. If we give the holly communion to kids, this , Jesus will teach them by himself. They are pure and can understand what he says.) Teach them also that all the things that they love and play , this ‘He’, Jesus loves them also. That everything they see, are love by Jesus. Pray with them . Teach them how to pray -if of course you know how to pray. Teach them to say , thank you God, for your love. I love you , too , thank you you love me, my parents, my friends , everything.help them also, every one to be good and happy. And let them talk to god, they definatelly will talk to Him better than anyone of us. If they say, now i suffer, i have a wound, teach them also that Jesus suffers with them also, takes more of their pain. And that their pain reminds them that other kids also have pain, so they should pray for them. Mother or father, you give your stamp, your seal to your kids mind, probably for all their life. Be very serious,, church is not an obligation but the real life. If you have some more suggestions please we are glad to put in our website


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